inexperienced person

inexperienced personinexperienced person
  1. In one studio , a kind lady told me that big stations couldn 't risk hiring an inexperienced person .


  2. In one studio , a kind lady told me that big stations couldn 't risk hiring an 6 ) inexperienced person .


  3. A youthful or inexperienced person ; a novice .


  4. Since an inexperienced person will take 2 to 3 hours to complete the slaughter operation , care should be taken to preclude long exposure to high temperatures .


  5. In one studio , a kind lady told me that big stations couldn 't risk hiring inexperienced person - " Go out in the sticks and find a small station that 'll give you a chance , " she said .


  6. An inexperienced business person , though , is a bit of a risk as the skills needed by a chair do have to be learnt .
